Nama Game : The Sweetest Ring
Size PC: 201 MB
Versi : Demo
Developer: Infidelisoft
Censored: No
Genre: 2DCG, Animated, Male protagonist, Female protagonist, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Kinetic Novel, Cheating, Netorare, Horror, Monster Girl, Paranormal
Language: English
Os: Windows/LINUX, Android
Status : Offline
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Anda seorang fanatik film dan baru saja menabung untuk sistem bioskop rumah 3D terbaru. Saat boot, Anda akan terkejut dengan kualitas efek 3D saat hantu gadis cantik merangkak keluar dari TV, namun kemudian Anda menyadari bahwa… hantu wanita itu benar-benar nyata?!
Cincin Termanis adalah novel visual NTR linier pendek tentang bertemu dan berkencan dengan hantu wanita hingga dia menemukan penis yang lebih baik dengan merangkak kembali ke TV tempat dia berasal dan bergabung dengan bintang porno profesional di dalamnya!
You’re a movie fanatic and have just saved up for the newest 3D home cinema system. Booting up you are surprised by the quality of the 3D effect when a cute ghost girl crawls out of the TV, but then you realize that… the ghost woman is actually real?!
The Sweetest Ring is a short linear NTR visual novel about meeting and dating a ghost woman until she discovers there is better dick to be found by crawling back into the very TV she came from and joining the professional porn stars inside!
– 8 CG sets
– 1 sprite with several outfits & variations
– 4 animations
Demo release
Mandiri: 1740004968574 [A.P JATI NEGARA]
Gopay: 082286344446 [AnggaPutraJN]
Dana: 082286344446 [A.P JATI NEGARA MA]
Shopeepay: 082286344446 [AnggaPutraJN]